Notice: Postcard Mailings from Town Assessor

Notice to Property Owners: The Town Assessor’s office will be mailing a postcard (below) to you containing important information. Please review information carefully.

To: Property Owners in the Town of Sherry

From: Assessors Office, PO Box 2190, Wausau, WI 54402-2190, 715-848-9300


A member of our Assessment staff will be conducting field work within your area for revaluation purposes for the year 2025. This notice is an official request to view the exterior and interior of your residence. Please indicate your consent or refusal to allow an inspection by sending notice to the above address or email us at:

Identification badges will be worn by our staff. If you are not home, an exterior verification of measurements and new pictures will be completed. A tag will tie left indicating that we had visited the property. Upon receipt of the door tag, please access the website: or call us to assist in verifying information about the interior. Our Associate Assessor will begin in the morning around 8:30 AM and work through early evening Monday thru Thursday. Please call us with any questions at 715-848-9300.

Section 70.32 of the Wisconsin Statutes states, the value of the real property should be based on “actual view.” If an assessor is not allowed access to view a property, property value is based on “the best information.that the assessor can practicably obtain… ‘1 This means an assessor may seek a special inspection warrant per section 66.0119 of the Wisconsin Statues to view the interior of the home.

Section 70.05(4n) of the Wisconsin statutes requires the following notice: You have the right to refuse entry into your residence pursuant to section 70.05(4m) of the Wisconsin statutes. Entry to view your property is prohibited unless voluntarily authorized by you. Pursuant to section 70.05(4m) of the Wisconsin statutes, you have the right to refuse a visual inspection of the interior of your residence and your refusal to allow an inspection of your residence will not be used as the sole reason for increasing your property tax assessment. Refusing entry to your residence also does not prohibit you from objecting to your assessment pursuant to section 70.47(7) of the Wisconsin statutes. If you have any questions, please contact us at: 715-848-9300 or:

Thank you in advance. Pauls & Associates, Assessors for the Town of Sherry AssessorsTrespass Statute #70.05 (5) {B), 895,488,943.13(4m)(D) and 943.15(1m)