5th Annual Community Christmas Sing! Fri Dec 20, 2024 11am-4pm

5th Annual Community Christmas Sing!
Sherry Town Hall 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, December 20, 2024

Come join us as we listen to the Auburndale Middle & High School FFA and Choir as they sing the beloved songs of the Christmas season. The students will be arriving around 11:45 a.m. to join us for lunch!
A light lunch featuring BBQ and salads will be served. If you’d like to bring something for lunch, please call Bev at the number below to let her know what you’ll be contributing. Refreshments will be available (coffee, hot chocolate, soda & water). Since the students are joining us early, we are asking everyone to please bring a dozen treats (cookies, bars, a cake, candy etc.) along for everyone’s enjoyment after lunch.
Doris Mielke and other volunteers will provide the accompaniment for the students. She will have her song
sheets along so we can join in the singing. Please invite your family, friends, and former residents. Contact Bev Peaslee 715-652-0256 for questions.

(Supplemental funding provided by Thrivent Financial.)