Special Meeting Notice of Quorum 3/21/2025 8am-4pm


Members of the Sherry Town Board will meet on Friday, March 21, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at

Stevens Point Holiday Inn and Convention Center, 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point, WI 54482 

Purpose: Attendance at WI Towns Association District Meeting

  • A quorum of the town board will be present.
  • No Town Board business, nor decisions will be conducted.
  • Attendees to include Wisconsin municipal Town Boards.

 Posted by Sandra Lobner, Town Clerk – February 25, 2025

Type B Notice Spring Primary

Notice of Spring Primary and Sample Ballots

February 18, 2025

Office of the Town of Sherry Clerk

To the voters of Town of Sherry, Wood County:

Notice is hereby given of a spring primary election to be held in Town of Sherry on February 18, 2025, at which the officers named below shall be chosen. The names of the candidates for each office, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in this office, are given under the title of the office, each in its proper column, together with the questions submitted to a vote, for a referendum, if any, in the sample ballot below.

Information to Voters

Upon entering the polling place and before being permitted to vote, a voter shall:

  • state their name and address
  • show an acceptable form of photo identification*
  • sign the poll book**

*If a voter does not have acceptable photo identification, the voter may obtain a free photo ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles

**If the voter is unable to sign the poll book due to disability, a poll worker may write the word “exempt.”

If a voter is not registered to vote, they may register to vote at the polling place serving their residence if the voter provides proof of residence. 

Where ballots are distributed to voters, the initials of two inspectors must appear on the ballot.

Upon being permitted to vote, the voter shall enter a voting booth or go to a machine and cast their ballot. The vote should not be cast in any manner other than specified here. Sample ballots or other materials to assist the voter in marking their ballot may be taken into the booth and copied.  The sample ballot shall not be shown to anyone so as to reveal how the ballot is marked.

A voter who is a parent or guardian may be accompanied by the voter’s minor child or minor ward. 

An election official may inform the voter of the proper manner for casting a vote but the official may not advise or indicate a particular voting choice.

Assistance for Voting

A voter may select an individual to assist in casting their vote if the voter declares to the presiding official that they are unable to read, have difficulty reading, writing, or understanding English, or that due to disability are unable to cast their ballot. The selected individual rendering assistance may not be the voter’s employer or an agent of that employer or an officer or agent of a labor organization which represents the voter.

Where Paper Ballots are Used

The voter shall make a mark (X) in the square next to the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each office for which they intend to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall write in the name of the person of their choice in the space provided for a write-in vote.  On referendum questions, the voter shall make a mark (X) in the square next to “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall make a mark (X) in the square next to “no” if opposed to the question.

Where Optical Scan Voting is Used

The voter shall fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to the name of the candidate of their choice for each office for which he or she intends to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall write in the name of the person of their choice in the space provided for a write-in vote and fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to the write-in line. On referendum questions, the voter shall fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to “no” if opposed to the question.

When using an electronic ballot marking device (ExpressVote) to mark an optical scan ballot, the voter shall touch the screen or use the tactile pad to select the name of the candidate of their choice for each office for which they intend to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall type in the name of the person of their choice in the space provided for a write-in vote. On referendum questions, the voter shall touch the screen or use the tactile pad to select “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall touch the screen or use the tactile pad to select “no” if opposed to the question.

Where Touch Screen Voting is Used

The voter shall touch the screen or use the tactile pad to select the name of the candidate of their choice for each office for which they intend to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall type in the name of the person of their choice in the space provided for a write-in vote. On referendum questions, the voter shall touch the screen at “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall touch the screen at “no” if opposed to the question.

Spoiled Ballots

If a voter spoils a paper or optical scan ballot, they shall return it to an election official who shall issue another ballot in its place, but not more than three ballots shall be issued to any one voter. If the ballot has not been initialed by two inspectors or is defective in any other way, the voter shall return it to the election official, who shall issue a proper ballot in its place. 

The voter may spoil a touch screen ballot at the voting station before the ballot is cast.

 After Voting the Ballot

After an official paper ballot is marked, it shall be folded so the inside marks do not show, but so the printed endorsements and inspectors’ initials on the outside do show. The voter shall deposit the voted ballot in the ballot box or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit and shall leave the polling place promptly.

After an official optical scan ballot is marked, it may be inserted in the security sleeve, so the marks do not show. The voter shall insert the ballot in the voting device and discard the sleeve or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit. If a central count system is used, the voter shall insert the ballot in the ballot box and discard the sleeve or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit. The voter shall leave the polling place promptly.

After an official touch screen ballot is cast, the voter shall leave the polling place promptly.

The following is a sample of the official ballot: February 18, 2025.

Sandra Lobner, Clerk


Clerks publish the Type B Notice the Monday before an election. When voting is equipment used, the notice shall include all offices and questions to be voted on at the election. The cost of this notice shall be shared §10.06(3)(e).)

 Type B Notice for Spring Primary | Rev 2021-06 | Wisconsin Elections Commission, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI  53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: wec.wi.gov | email: wec@wi.gov


Notice 2025-02 Rescind Coordination Land Use Plan #07-2012

Town of Sherry

Ordinance Number 2025 – 02 Rescind Coordination Land Use Plan #07-2012

STATE OF WISCONSIN, Town of Sherry, Wood County


The title of this ordinance is the Town of Sherry Coordination Land Use Plan Ordinance. The purpose of this ordinance is for the Town of Sherry, Wood County, Wisconsin, to lawfully rescind #07-2012 ‘Coordination Land Use Plan Ordinance’ and adopt 2025-01 Coordination Land Use Plan to address all nine elements in §. 66.100 I (4) (c), Wis. stats.


The Town Board of the Town of Sherry, Wood County, Wisconsin, has authority under its village powers under § 60.22, Wis. stats., to appoint a town plan citizens advisory committee under ss. 60.62 (4) and 62.23 (1), Wis. stats., and under § 66.1001 (4), Wis. stats., to rescind #07-2012 and adopt 2025-02 ordinance. The coordinated land use plan of the Town of Sherry must be in compliance with § 66.1001 (4) (c), Wis. stats., in order for the town board to adopt this ordinance.


This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides for the adoption by the town of a land use plan under §. 66.1001 (4), Wis. stats.


The town board adopted written procedures designed to foster public participation in every stage of the preparation of the land use plan as required by § 66.1001 (4) (a), Wis. stats.


The Coordination Land Use Citizens Advisory Committee of the Town of Sherry, by a majority vote of the entire committee, recorded in its official minutes, has adopted a resolution recommending to the town board rescind #07-2012 ordinances and proceed with the adoption of the 2025-02 Town of Sherry Coordination Land Use Plan, which contains all nine of the elements specified ins. 66.1001 (2), Wis. stats.


The Town of Sherry has held at least one public hearing on this ordinance, with notice in

compliance with the requirements of § 66.1001 (4) (d), Wis. Wis. stats.


The town board, by the enactment of this ordinance, formally adopts the document entitled Town of Sherry #2025-02 Coordination Land Use Plan Ordinance under § 66.100 I (4) (c), Wis. stats.


If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable.


This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80,

Wis. stats. A copy of the ordinance and the plan, shall be filed with at least all of the entities specified under § 66.lOOl (4) (b), Wis. stats.

Dated this 11th day of February

Adopted February 11, 2025               

Published: February 11, 2025

Sandra Lobner, Clerk

Notice: 2025-01 Ordinance to Adopt Coodination Land Use Plan

Town of Sherry

Ordinance Number 2025-01

Ordinance to Adopt Coordination Land Use Plan

STATE OF WISCONSIN, Town of Sherry, Wood County


The title of this ordinance is the Town of Sherry Coordination Land Use Plan Ordinance. The purpose of this ordinance is for the Town of Sherry, Wood County, Wisconsin, to lawfully adopt a coordination land use plan to address all nine elements in §. 66.100 I (4) (c), Wis. stats.


The Town Board of the Town of Sherry, Wood County, Wisconsin, has authority under its village powers under § 60.22, Wis. stats., to appoint a town plan citizens advisory committee under ss. 60.62 (4) and 62.23 (1), Wis. stats., and under § 66.1001 (4), Wis. stats., to adopt this ordinance. The coordinated land use plan of the Town of Sherry must be in compliance with § 66.1001 (4) (c), Wis. stats., in order for the town board to adopt this ordinance.


This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides for the adoption by the town of a land use plan under §. 66.1001 (4), Wis. stats.


The town board adopted written procedures designed to foster public participation in every stage of the preparation of the land use plan as required by § 66.1001 (4) (a), Wis. stats.


The Coordination Land Use Citizens Advisory Committee of the Town of Sherry, by a majority vote of the entire committee, recorded in its official minutes, has adopted a resolution recommending to the town board the adoption of the Town of Sherry Coordination Land Use Plan, which contains all nine of the elements specified ins. 66.1001 (2), Wis. stats.


The Town of Sherry has held at least one public hearing on this ordinance, with notice in

compliance with the requirements of § 66.1001 (4) (d),  WIS. stats.


The town board, by the enactment of this ordinance, formally adopts the document entitled Town of Sherry Coordination Land Use Plan Ordinance under § 66.100 I (4) (c), Wis. stats.


If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable.


This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80,

Wis. stats. A copy of the ordinance and the plan shall be filed with at least all of the entities specified under § 66.l00l (4) (b), Wis. stats.

Dated this 11th day of February 2025

Adopted February 11, 2025

Published February 11, 2025

Sandra Lobner, Clerk

Notice: Early Voting in Sherry

Early Voting: See Formal notice of 1/31/2025.

Location: Sherry Town Hall on 

Tue Feb 11, 2025 4:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., and again after town board meeting from 7:45-9:00p.m.

Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:30 a.m to 11:00 a.m.

Please bring your photo idenitifcation.

Voter registration forms accepted with proof of residency and photo ID.



Notice of Public Hearing on February 11, 2025 6:45pm

TOWN OF SHERRY – NOTICE of Public Hearing

At Sherry Town Hall, 9285 2nd Street, Milladore, WI 54454

Notice of Public Hearing, State of Wisconsin, County of Wood, Sherry Town Hall on Tuesday February 11, 2025, at the Sherry Town Hall, 9285 2nd Street, Milladore, Wisconsin, regarding the following:  

1. Public notice is hereby given to all persons in the Town of Sherry, Wood County, Wisconsin that the Town Board has made a land use plan addressing the elements in the State of Wisconsin Land Use Statute 66.1001.

2. On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:45 pm, The Town Board will conduct a public hearing on the content of the plan at which time they will take public testimony for consideration.

3. Upon adjournment of the public hearing a Town Board meeting will convene for the purpose of discussion and possible action on the adoption of the Town of Sherry Land Use Coordination Plan.

Posted on January 7, 2025 and February 7, 2025

By Sandra Lobner, Clerk


Notice of Hearing. A notice pursuant to Chapter 985, Wisconsin Statutes, shall be published on the Town website home page: << www.TownofSherry.com >>.  You may also find legal notices under the “Government” tab – “News and Notices”. Legal notices will also be posted on the outdoor bulletin board outside of the town hall. If state statutes require publication in a newspaper, said notices will be published in the Marshfield News Herald.

Notice of Public Test of the Tabulating Equipment


The Public Test of the Tabulating Equipment to be used at the February 18, 2025 Spring Election will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. at the Sherry Town Hall.

The test is open to the public. Tha public is encouraged to attend.

Sandra Lobner, Town Clerk

Posted on February 1, 2025




Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot.  A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward or municipality where he or she wishes to vote for at least 10 consecutive days before the election.  The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. 

You must make a request for an absentee ballot in writing or through MyVote.wi.gov.

Go to the website – MyVote.wi.gov and request an absentee ballot online.  A message will be sent to the Clerk from the “MyVote” system, and an absentee ballot will be mailed to you within 24 hours of receiving the message, if ballots are availableOr, contact your municipal clerk and request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the primary or election or both.  You may also submit a written request in the form of a letter or e-mail to sherrytownclerk@gmail.com.  Your written request must list your voting address within the municipality where you wish to vote, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature.  You may make application for an absentee ballot by mail or in person.

Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail

The deadline for making application to receive an absentee by mail is: 5 pm on the fifth day before the election, February 13, 2025.

Note: Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.

Early voting an absentee ballot in person            PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED

You may also request and early vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in-person.  Please let me know if you require special accommodations for in-person voting.

Sandra Lobner, Town Clerk, Telephone 715-305-6448, Sherry Town Hall, 9285 2nd Street, Milladore, WI 54454

Clerk’s hours of availability for receiving absentee ballot applications and/or to set-up an appointment for voting an absentee ballot outside of these hours are:  8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Monday – Saturday

Please call to set-up a time to vote at the Clerk’s address within these hours.

The first day to early vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is: February 4, 2025

The last day to early vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office: February 16, 2025

No in-person absentee voting may occur on Monday, February 17, 2025.

The municipal clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place or counting location before the polls close on February 18, 2025. 

Reminder: Dog Licenses Are Due 4/1/2025 to Avoid a Late Penalty

Dog License Application Form.pdf

** This Form is Located Under Goverment tab/Forms & Permits

Town of Sherry Dog License Application 

The owner of a dog more than 5 months old on January 1 st of any year, or 5 months old within the license year, shall annually on or before the date the dog becomes 5 months old, pay the dog license tax and obtain a license. Dog license fees are not included in the tax bill. All dogs must be inoculated for rabies and must be licensed under penalty of law. Please complete the dog registration portion and submit dog license fees (please note the pricing) to Municipal Treasurer.


COST: $5.00 for neutered male/spayed female LATE FEE: $5.00 due per dog per State Statute 174.05(5) if not obtained by April 1st
$10.00 for male or female $40.00 MULTIPLE LICENSE (0-12 dogs)
Owner Name:___________________________________ Owner Address:__________________________________________
Owner Phone Number:____________________________
1) Pet’s Name _______________________________ Breed _____________________________ Sex:   Male       Female
Color  _____________________________________ Date of Rabies Shot _____________  Neutered     Spayed

2) Pet’s Name _______________________________ Breed _____________________________ Sex:   Male       Female
Color ______________________________________ Date of Rabies Shot ______________ Neutered    Spayed
Return with a copy of your Vaccination Certificate, Self-addressed, stamped envelope to return the tag to you, and payment to:

Town of Sherry, 7706 County Road F, Arpin, WI 54410

** This Form is Located Under Goverment tab/Forms & Permits